Oct 14 2009

Do you know how to have fun?

Jamie Lee

Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.
Brandan Gill

This saying is one of my favorites – partly because it makes me smile, and partly because if gives me a Douglas Adams-esque sense that, “Oh, well, that’s all right then.”

When it comes to inspiring a good mood, few things are more potent than good, old-fashioned fun to get the ball rolling. The trouble is, as grown-ups, we often forget how to have fun. Our days are so full of busyness, busywork, busy bees, and Other Important Things that it’s hard for us to take a moment to breathe, never mind find ways to have fun.

The video above is Continue reading

Oct 13 2009

The joy of collaboration

Jamie Lee

I discovered this video via Chris Brogan’s blog. His post is titled “The Beauty of Collaboration.” I’ve titled mine the JOY of collaboration because I think that successful collaborations do create joy – both from the sense of accomplishment they help create (50% of respondents to yesterday’s poll cited a sense of accomplishment as the root of their good mood) and from the simple act of cooperating with others in the pursuit of a common goal.

There is something poignantly striking about people coming together to create something – particularly when there’s no motive beyond the act of creation. Maybe I’m overly sensitive, but I’m often moved to tears by these types of projects. Watching videos like the Do-Re-Mi dance performance at Belgium’s Central Station or the Continue reading

Oct 9 2009

Perfection? Pah!

Jamie Lee

messypaintsI just wrote and rewrote the first line of this post a half dozen times.

That’s my own perfectionist getting in the way of getting things done. Perfect(ly ironic). 

Sometimes, in order to do the thing you want to do, you need to just get out there and do it. It’s too easy to hold back because you’re not going to be able to do it perfectly. You can easily come up with a dozen excuses to procrastinate, or to give up all together. Don’t. Stop your mind from thinking about reasons to stop moving forward. Forget looking before you leap, and just jump. Close your eyes if you need to. Yell if you have to – make it the battle cry of a warrior.

In my experience, joy often springs from accomplishments. The trouble is, you can’t accomplish anything if you don’t start anything.

I’ve held off on many projects because I’m waiting for the circumstances to be “perfect.” Dumb. First of all, there’s no such thing as perfect. Perfect is just Continue reading

Oct 8 2009

Friends rock my good mood every day

Jamie Lee

friends_monkeybarsA Friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature.
                             – Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) US poet & essayist

I have been very lucky in my life to have made many friends. Although some have moved in and out of my life over the years, the warmth we share always seems to remain – easily rekindled at our next meeting.

Life moves so fast, it’s easy to lose touch with friends. I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to letting things slide. With all the demands on our time, it’s easy for friendships to slip further and further down the priority list. It seems to me that each chance meeting I have starts with the words, “Oh my gosh! It’s been forever! I’ve been so busy. How have you been?” and ends with the unfulfilled promise of a cup of coffee.

No one’s to blame. It’s the nature of things. Everyone is busy. Everyone has their own lives to lead. That’s why I’m so grateful for Continue reading